How To Register A Business In Ghent Entrepreneurs & freelancers by Guest author - 18 August, 201921 October, 2021 In this post you will find information about how to register a business in Ghent and Belgium. It includes tips about the paperwork and administration needed for setting yourself up as self employed or as a freelancer (zelfstandig, eenmanzaak) in Ghent. It also includes a reference to a governmental source
Freelancer or Business – Choosing A Company Type Entrepreneurs & freelancers by Guest author - 18 August, 201914 August, 2020 When you know you are eligible to start a business in Gent, the next step is to chose what type of company you will use for trading your products or services... This post is about choosing your company type and it compares mainly freelancing with starting a company with limited
Help For Expats in Ghent – Meet the Glocals: First Event Kicks Off Events No Update by Guest author - 29 March, 201830 July, 2022 Meet the Glocals is a series of expat events in Ghent where more established expats and experts provide help for expats in Ghent. Organised by Community Gent, several rounds of the events will take place this year. Read on to learn all about them. TheSquare.Gent caught up with the new head
All the information in one place: the annual expat event Events No Update by Guest author - 8 October, 201730 July, 2022 The annual event for Ghent expats by Community Gent called “Living And Working in Gent” took place the 5th of October at the amazing Ghelamco Arena in Ghent. This informative event brings together Ghent expats and organizations supporting expats to feel more at home in Ghent. Expats are defined as