Flemish Expressions to Fit in Like a Local Exploring Ghent No Update by Guest author - 1 December, 201730 July, 2022 When my boss sent an email to say that a couple of people were sat in our weekly meeting ‘for bacon and beans’, I started to think he might really need a holiday. Turns out that it made perfect sense to him, and the other native Dutch speakers in the office. Failing to find a book or website anywhere that gave us a short list of the most important Flemish expressions, I set out to make my own. Here is our pick of the most common – and amusing – Flemish expressions, complete with literal English translations and explanations in English to make them that little bit more accessible for us language lovers. Veel plezier! Iets tussen de soep en de patatten doen To do something between the soup and the potatoes When someone is doing something between other tasks; something that’s important and should be given more time Er voor spek en bonen bij zitten To sit there for bacon and beans When someone is present at an event (like a work meeting), but isn’t allowed to contribute to it or doesn’t add any value. De kerk in het midden houden To keep the church in the middle To not cause an argument / keep the peace Van een mug/muis een olifant maken To make an elephant from a mosquito/mouse To make a bigger deal out of something than necessary (= “to make a mountain out of a molehill”) Als een hond naar een zieke koe kijken To look like a dog staring at a sick cow To have a facial expression where you look shocked and confused at the same time Het regent pijpestelen It’s raining pipe handles It’s raining really heavily (= “it’s raining cats and dogs”) Vechten tegen de bierkaai To fight against the beer quay To do something that is pointless because it won’t work or achieve what you want (= “to fight a losing battle”) De beste stuurlui staan aan wal The best steering people stand by the quay When someone is doing something and other people criticise it, thinking that they know better Zijn schaapjes op het droge hebben To keep your sheep on dry ground To have everything sorted out from a financial perspective, i.e. plenty of money to live off. Met de deur in huis vallen To fall into the house with the door To get straight to the point / be direct with what you want to say (= “to cut to the chase”) Met uw gat in de boter vallen To fall with your backside into the butter To get lucky, probably when you don’t expect or deserve it (= “to land butter side up” or “to come up smelling of roses”) De morgenstond heeft goud in de mond The morning moment has gold in the mouth If you start something early, you are likely to get more done/achieve more (= “the early bird catches the worm”) Zijn paraplu opentrekken To open his umbrella When someone avoids responsibility, and lets everyone else take the blame Nu komt de aap uit de mouw Now the monkey comes out of the sleeve Now it becomes clear what the real meaning/intention was Mijn tenen uitkuisen To clean out my toes To try your hardest/give it your all. De kat uit de boom kijken To look the cat out of the tree To wait and see how things will develop before you get involved (= ”to see which way the wind blows”) Van een kale reis thuiskomen To come home from a bald journey When you don’t succeed in what you had planned to achieve or get Geen oude koeien uit de gracht halen To not pull old cows out of the ditch When you should leave alone a shameful or awkward event that happened in the past. What are your favourite Flemish expressions? And do you have any amusing lost-in-translation anecdotes? Let us know in the comments section below. Author: Heather Sills Related Share on Facebook Share Share on TwitterTweet Share on Pinterest Share Share on LinkedIn Share Send email Mail Print Print